-15 seconds, please, please. 15 seconds, don't open your mouth.
-Marla. I'm trying to tell you that I'm sorry. Because what
I've come to realize is that I really
like you, Marla.
-You do?
-I really do. I care about you and I don't want anything bad to happen to you
because of me. Marla, your life is in danger.
-You need to leave town for a while. Get out of any major city and just go camping or something.
-You're an insane person.
-No, no, I've involved you in something terrible that's about to happen.
-No. Shut up, shut up! ... Listen, I tried, Tyler. I really tried. I know you did. There are things about you I like. You're smart, you're funny, you're spectacular
in bed. But you're intolerable. You have very serious emotional problems. Deep-seated problems for which you should seek professional help.
-I know, and I'm sorry.
-Yeah, you're sorry, I'm sorry, everyone's sorry. But... I can't
do this anymore. I can't. And I won't. I'm gone.
-You can't leave, Marla, you're not safe!
-No! Leave me alone!
-Marla, I'm trying to protect you.
-I don't ever want to see you again!
-That's fine, if that's what it takes... You wait. Wait right here. Hold it
right there.
-Take this money and get on this bus. And I promise you. I will never
bother you again if that's what you want. Please get on the bus. Please get
on the bus!
-Why are you doing this?
-Because they think you're some kind of a threat. I... I can't explain it
right now, just trust me. If I see where you're going, you will not be safe.
-I'm not paying this back. I consider it asshole tax.
-That's fine. Remember, stay out of major cities for at least a couple of days, OK?

-Tyler. You're the worst thing that ever happened to me!
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